The REAL Truth About Network Marketing

Are you one of those people who hear or read the words “network marketing” or “multi-level marketing” and immediately think “SCAM” or “pyramid scheme“, or maybe even turn and run?

Have you ever taken a few seconds to ask yourself WHY you have that reaction? Do you REALLY know what a “Ponzi scheme” is or how it works? AND… last but certainly not least, do you know the two things every legitimate network marketing company have in common?

Let’s start with everyone’s favorite… Ponzi scheme: “a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors.”

The second one… pyramid scheme: “a form of investment (illegal in the US and elsewhere) in which each paying participant recruits two further participants, with returns being given to early participants using money contributed by later ones.”

Now let’s cover what a legitimate network marketing business looks like.

Network marketing is a serious business for serious people. It’s a proven system where the design, creation, and expense the corporate team has gone through becomes a road map for your own success. Just follow the simple, proven and duplicable system that the good companies provide.

The real key is this: Network marketing is all about leverage. You can leverage your time and increase the number of hours of work effort on which you can be paid by sponsoring other people and earning a small income on their efforts. J. Paul Getty, who created one of the world’s greatest fortunes, said: “I would rather make 1 percent on the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent on my own efforts.” This very basic concept is the cornerstone of network marketing.

For example, most successful people building a network marketing business do so in an organized method. They work a few dedicated hours each week, with each hour of effort serving as a building block for their long-term business growth. Then they sponsor other people and teach those people how to sell the company product and sponsor others who duplicate the process.

By helping the people you personally sponsor to sponsor others, you duplicate yourself. As this process continues, you create compound growth that can lead to hundreds or even thousands of people coming into your business. You leverage your time by helping others be successful and earn an income from all their efforts.

So the next time someone approaches you and wants to discuss network marketing just ask yourself, “Does this company offer a legitimate service or product?” and “Do I make money by recruiting people or by becoming a product of the product?”

“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” ~ Tony Robbins

The Matrix Explained

I am looking for 4 people. Not just any 4 but 4 who have something most people don’t have.
I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me explain.
I first heard the term “network marketing” in 1990. Now I know most who are reading this will be leaving as soon as they see those two words. That’s OK. It just means anyone who leaves without reading the whole thing doesn’t make the cut for the 4.
If you are still reading at this point you might have a shot at making the team but I have more to explain.
The reason I started with when I first heard those words is so everyone still reading can figure out how much experience I have in it. Funny thing is most of my experience was bad in the past. There were a few opportunities we actually made some money with and a couple of product lines we learned about in the 90’s that we still use and market.
There are 2 reasons most people shy away from network marketing. Either they have tried it and had 1 or more bad experiences with it or they never really learned enough about it to make it work. There are a few out there that have no clue how it works because they always followed someone blindly hoping it would work. There are other reasons but those are the two big ones.
There is another group of people out there that have made a lot of money along with helping others do the same. This is a large group and they all have one thing in common. They understand the power of people helping people to be successful.
What I also know is there is another large group that is always growing that has never tried any kind of marketing and when they see how easy network marketing is they excel because no one told them it was hard to do. Included in this group are all the people who have tried and failed but still believe in the system.
The first thing people ask about is the price of the products. A lot of good companies with great products get a bad name because of this but it is because people don’t understand WHY they are expensive. It is easy for anyone who understands the matrix and how it is built.
If you are still reading after the dreaded M-word came out then you might want to practice some follow thru at this point and get involved because that means you understand the power of a good matrix with a great company and an even greater list of products that anyone can find benefit from using.
If you are scratching your head and wondering what this is all about and how you can make money your next step is to get in touch with me so I can teach you what all great marketers already know about the matrix and how it powers network marketing.
After thirty years and many companies and opportunities checked out or tried I feel comfortable teaching those who are interested just exactly how to make money and build a large network of people around you all wanting the same thing.
Let me take a minute here to explain why network marketing plans get a bad rap. Back in 1980, I was in the US Army when I learned what an “Airplane Ride” was.
I also found out the hard way how illegal they are.
I had just arrived in Germany at my permanent duty station when someone asked me if I wanted to make some fast money. Of course, I said yes. I was quickly relieved of $25. of my hard-earned money and given a sheet of paper with a diagram drawn on it that resembled a pyramid. My name had been added to one of the “spots” on the bottom row which consisted of eight spots and handwritten on the bottom were directions about how everything worked and how I needed to find at least two other people to join me.
The Airplane Ride consists of a pyramid with 1 person taking up the top spot. That spot is referred to as the pilot seat. Directly below the pilot, there are two spots that represent the two co-pilots. The third row has four spots which are called the crew spots and at the bottom, there are eight spots which are the passengers.
The cost for a passenger seat can be whatever the original pilot decides. Most usually cost between $20. and $100. get involved.
Once there are eight passengers paid in full to the pilot the airplane splits and the two co-pilots each start their own airplane which needs payment from eight more people to follow suit and split. It is easy to see how lucrative it can be especially if you are the one to start the whole thing.
The two problems with this form of income are first and foremost they are highly illegal and the epitome of a Ponzi scheme and the other is they never last long enough for a lot of people to make money.
It is easy to understand how people who have no knowledge of true network marketing can mistake a perfectly good company for a scam. Both plans implore a “matrix” diagram in the shape of a pyramid but that is where the similarities stop.
There is a short checklist one may use to figure out if an opportunity is MLM or network marketing-based or just another scam.
First, is there a real company with a history that can be checked and second, do they have products or services that are reasonably priced?
Without these two very important factors it is probably a scam.
I took the time to explain this because when you are marketing in this manner you will hear the question a lot. “How is this NOT a pyramid scheme?” With the 2 problem checklist, it is easy to figure it out.
There are hundreds if not thousands of companies around the world that use network marketing to sell their products and services. A few well-known companies are Avon, Tupperware, and Amway. Say what you will about these companies but all three are a major success because of “Distributors” like me and others who understand the POWER of the matrix when used correctly.
 For information on the company and products am involved with check out this website.

A New Page In My Chronic Pain Journey

My name is Oro Cas and I am a chronic pain sufferer. A fifty foot fall in my 20’s, a lightning strike at 40, and 30 years of driving tractor-trailer have taken a toll on my body and nerves. As of my last spine series, I have 3 dead discs, 2 ruptured discs, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative disc disorder. Needless to say, I am a patient at a pain clinic where over the past two years I have gone from 10mg of Oxycontin once a day to 20mg twice a day.

I’m getting close to a time where there will have to be some major decisions made. Decisions that I dread. Do I have surgery with the hope of better mobility and pain relief? The opinions from two neurosurgeons were no help. One said call me when you’re ready for surgery, the other said you have a 50-50 chance. Surgery could make things better, but it could also make things worse.

My other decision is the best way to manage my pain. Do I continue with the ever increasing dosage of my pain medication, becoming a couch zombie, or do I try and find something that will work in conjunction with my pain medication, so I can level off my dosage.

I’m too young to resign myself to life in my recliner, so I went on the hunt. The first thing I did was get signed up in my state’s medical cannabis program. Cannabis is a great supplement to my Oxycontin. With the myriad of today’s science in the production of Cannabis, I can pick the strain best suited for my needs. The only problem … It’s cost prohibitive. To be truly effective on a continual basis I would have to spend on average of $600 a month.

So while I use medicinal cannabis as often as possible, I’m also on the hunt for products that alleviate my pain and muscle spasms, and is maybe something I can pass on to others that are sailing with me on the chronic pain boat.

After much searching and researching, I happened to see the name of an old friend on Linkedin. After catching up, we got to the point in the conversation where I mention having to curtail many of my outdoor activities due to my spinal problems. My friend tells me about a product that has given him great results with his own back pain and turns me on to his website.

I like what I saw when I looked into the product, and today I received my first shipment, so I’m inviting you to travel along with me. Maybe something I find might help someone else in their journey for relief from chronic pain. So, as I record my results, I’ll be sharing them here. REDOX is Here!