A New Page In My Chronic Pain Journey

My name is Oro Cas and I am a chronic pain sufferer. A fifty foot fall in my 20’s, a lightning strike at 40, and 30 years of driving tractor-trailer have taken a toll on my body and nerves. As of my last spine series, I have 3 dead discs, 2 ruptured discs, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative disc disorder. Needless to say, I am a patient at a pain clinic where over the past two years I have gone from 10mg of Oxycontin once a day to 20mg twice a day.

I’m getting close to a time where there will have to be some major decisions made. Decisions that I dread. Do I have surgery with the hope of better mobility and pain relief? The opinions from two neurosurgeons were no help. One said call me when you’re ready for surgery, the other said you have a 50-50 chance. Surgery could make things better, but it could also make things worse.

My other decision is the best way to manage my pain. Do I continue with the ever increasing dosage of my pain medication, becoming a couch zombie, or do I try and find something that will work in conjunction with my pain medication, so I can level off my dosage.

I’m too young to resign myself to life in my recliner, so I went on the hunt. The first thing I did was get signed up in my state’s medical cannabis program. Cannabis is a great supplement to my Oxycontin. With the myriad of today’s science in the production of Cannabis, I can pick the strain best suited for my needs. The only problem … It’s cost prohibitive. To be truly effective on a continual basis I would have to spend on average of $600 a month.

So while I use medicinal cannabis as often as possible, I’m also on the hunt for products that alleviate my pain and muscle spasms, and is maybe something I can pass on to others that are sailing with me on the chronic pain boat.

After much searching and researching, I happened to see the name of an old friend on Linkedin. After catching up, we got to the point in the conversation where I mention having to curtail many of my outdoor activities due to my spinal problems. My friend tells me about a product that has given him great results with his own back pain and turns me on to his website.

I like what I saw when I looked into the product, and today I received my first shipment, so I’m inviting you to travel along with me. Maybe something I find might help someone else in their journey for relief from chronic pain. So, as I record my results, I’ll be sharing them here. REDOX is Here!

Crypto And Then Some … July 26th — Paths I Walk

By Paula Cas Join us Thursday, July 26th at 9pm EDT for the newest edition of Crypto And Then Some … hosted by Oro and Paula Cas.

via Crypto And Then Some … July 26th — Paths I Walk